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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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Staff Directory

Quick Contacts

(859) 422-3990

Principal: Catherine Vannatter

Assistant Principal: Mark Sims

Attendance Specialist: Faron Shores

Bookkeeper (School Accounts Specialist): Kimberly Collins

Co-Op Facilitator/Community Partnerships Liaison: Nicki Jones

Counselor: Jenni Berk

English Learners (EL) Lead: Erik Rishel

Library Media Specialist/Technology Coordinator: Meredith Reed

School Nurse: Megan Paddock

Student Support Specialist: Beth Barnott

Title IX Coordinator: Catherine Vannatter

District Support: James McMillin, (859) 422-0467



Doug Ashcraft 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30227

Graciela Barajas 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30226

Randall Barnett 


ext. 30223

Beth Barnott 

Special Education

ext. 30213

Katie Beeler 

Health Instructor

ext. 30215

Jennifer Berk 


ext. 30212

Daniel Bustle 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30225

Kimberly Collins  

School Acct. Speciailst

ext. 11659

Brian Craig 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30233

Sarah Cruse 


ext. 30223

Laura DeVettori 

Spanish Instructor

ext. 30216

Richard Elkin 

FCPS Law Enforcement

ext. 11655

Ben Herald 

Social Studies 

ext. 30214

Latissa Higgins 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30230

Fallon Jackson 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30229

Nicki Jones 

Work-Based Learning

ext. 30224

Kathleen Magsam 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30217

Morgan Margita 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30206

Toni Myers 

Agriculture Instructor

The Kentucky Castle

Meredith Reed 

Media Librarian

ext. 30209

Faron Shores 

Attendance Specialist

ext. 13990

Mark Sims

Assistant Principal

ext. 30204

Allisa Thompson 

Agriculture Instructor

ext. 30211

Catherine Vannatter 


ext. 30218

Alvin Wells 

Lead Custodian

ext. 30223