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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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The best way to succeed as a wolf: show up to the pack every day!

Daily attendance remains important for academic success, and we look forward to seeing our students at school each day. In the event students miss a portion or all of a school day, they must submit a note to Mrs. Kimberly Collins, our Attendance Specialist, when they return to school. Students must also submit a note to the Attendance Specialist(s) at their sending high schools/special programs.

If you have questions regarding a student's attendance, please email Mrs. Kimberly Collins or call her at (859) 381-3990. 

Additional attendance information and forms:

  • FCPS Attendance Policies  
  • Educational Enhancement Opportunity (EHO) Form (English and Spanish)
    • If your student will have a known absence (showing animals, taking a trip, etc.) please complete the form to get the absence excused ahead of time. Submit it to Mrs. Kimberly Collins. Please allow a few days for processing.