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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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FFA Alumni

Fayette County FFA Alumni and Supporters

The primary purpose of the Fayette County FFA Alumni and Supporters is to support Locust Trace Agriscience Center and Carter G. Woodson Academy FFA chapters. We offer sponsorship and support through financial means, assisting with contests or other events, volunteering, and more throughout the year. We encourage everyone to be involved in their school's FFA chapter! We invite families to attend our meetings, so we can help you stay up to date on events and opportunities for both you and your student.  You may wonder why we don't just have a PTA/PTSA instead. The answer can be found in the mission and values of the National FFA Alumni and Supporters organization. 

Mission and Values

To learn more about FFA Alumni and Supporters at the national level, check out their website here.

2023-2024 Fayette County FFA Alumni and Supporters Board:
President - Nicole Hudson
Vice President - Jennifer Cathey
Secretary - Melissa Soper
Treasurer - Diane Owens

Thinking of joining?

It's easy! Just email and we will get you added to our email list. This is how we notify everyone about meetings, provide information about events and opportunities to help, and send out the notes after each meeting so you're always informed, even if you're not able to make it to a meeting in person. 


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